Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sales Coaching

There are many paths to success in business and life. But no path is universally right . One needs to find his right path knowing his strength & acknowledging his weakness.

The path that's right for you (or your team) may not be obvious. And even if it is, you might find that you're stuck, or blocked & unable to move toward your goals.

On the other hand, you might find yourself screaming down the road "Is this the right path for me?". But, as you know, the faster you go, the easier it is to veer off course.

Enter Sales coaching. An interactive process that helps you to choose where you're going, and helps you get to your destination faster. With less turbulence. And more joy along the way.

Unlike Other Coaching...

The Sales Coaching C@KB approach is to assist executives and teams find the right path & walk the right path

Our clients choose to work with us because:

  • We do NOT do touchy-feely coaching. If you're looking for a friend or a therapist, go find one.
  • We do NOT want to coach you forever. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals—not develop a dependency.
  • We do NOT approach assignments with starry-eyed naiveté. Our perspective is grounded in the real world. Because that's where we live and work.
  • We do NOT try to change you or tell you what to do. We won't try to make you into a clone of some idealized model. You wouldn't like it. And it wouldn't work anyway.

We do specialize in:

  • Helping smart, analytic people (with enormous left brains). If you're a professional, a technocrat, or a bright bottom-liner, you're our kind of client. We—like you—are task and results oriented. Sure, we'll enjoy working together. And one of our core competencies is helping introverts and hard-chargers improve their relationships with other people. But don't expect a lot of goofy neo-psuedo-psychobabble, or uncomfortable make-work assignments. Or a hug.
  • Obtaining definable results. We say no to b.s. And yes to specific outcomes. Know what you want? Great. We'll help you get it. Don't know what you want? No problem. We'll help you discover it. Either way, we view our assignment as specific, definable, and limited.
  • Working on short-term engagements. We want to assist you, not marry you. Our goal is to help you reach your goal. And then, wish you well. Until you decide you'd like us to assist again. (And, candidly, most of our clients do come back now and then for an assist. That's what we're here for. But clients call us. We don't pester or "up sell." Ever.)

The C@KB coaching model is designed to help you get what you want so you can live your life without an expensive crutch.

If you'd like to explore the possibility of working together—with no pressure and zero obligation—write to us as your comment to this blog .

Truth is, many of our clients do most of their work with us through email or blogging. But if you prefer at least an initial face-to-face meeting, we're delighted to meet you the old fashioned way.

Coaching FAQs

Coaching Process

Coaching Program

Sales Coaching - Book Reviews

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