
There is opportunities in every challenges . This section exposes sales managers to the various challenges in sales force management . For managers who want detail information about any particular area there is a list of reference books & articles too .
To join the debate & increase your knowledge Index click below on your area of interest .

Sales Force Challenges Analysis : 
SFC Analysis always starts with the basics . Understanding SFC is all about asking the right questions :Where are we , Where we want to go & How do we go there . ???

Environment Forced Challenges 
As product responses become increasingly quicker with improved manufacturing and R&D systems, it's the quality of sales forces that holds the key for many companies, Smith, Global Practice Leader at The Gallup Organization says ....
Sales Effectiveness Challenge ( CRM forced challenges )
The three components - sales, marketing, and support - are questioned deeply into surfacing the specific challenges companies are dealing with, and then with the problems clearly defined, benchmark how companies are successfully dealing with these issues.
Challenges in implementing best practices
Sales managers often think of best practices in terms of skills and knowledge that separate star performers from average performers. What do the stars do that gives them an advantage?
The Sales Knowledge Challenge
The Sales Knowledge Challenge is a training needs assessment which measures an individual’s knowledge of sales......

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