Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sales Force Design - Book Reviews

Book No 1

Transforming Your Sales Force for the 21st Century ( Click the image for details )

Distribution companies, by their nature, should be sales-oriented companies. But, most distributors don't do sales very well. That's the premise behind this new book.

The book, written for sales managers and executives in the distribution industry, provides a blue print for executives to transform their sales forces into highly directable, effective, focused performers.

The book begins with an analysis of current conditions that pressure the distributor to
revise the way he/she thinks about his sales force. Kahle then paints a picture of the distributor sales force of the future. The sales force will be:
  1. more specialized
  2. more directable
  3. more flexible
  4. more professional
  5. more productive.
His advice begins with "See it as a system," a concept that is based on one of the key principles for the book, "When you change the structure, you change the behavior of the people who work within that structure."

Kahle then draws on his 30 years of experience in working with sales people and distributors to articulate the ten highest potential initiatives for distribution companies. Each is described in a down-to-earth, easily understood style that makes it easy to implement.

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